In addition to operating in various ports along the Brazilian coast, our company stands out for its ability to serve vessels with a draft of up to 15 meters, providing a safe and reliable service.

Our state-of-the-art equipment for lifting loads and special trailers guarantees the efficiency and precision required for handling goods of any kind.



Our commitment to sustainability
is reflected in our expertise in waste management, ensuring that all operations are carried out
in a responsible and environmentally conscious manner. In addition, our preventive fencing and strict safety protocols guarantee the protection
of vessels, cargo and crews.



We also offer reliable water and diesel supply services, which are essential for keeping operations running smoothly.

In addition, we specialize in the control and management of radioactive assets (NORM), ensuring full compliance with applicable regulations and standards.



Our highly qualified and experienced team is ready to meet all your port needs, providing efficient and professional solutions. You can count on us to guarantee the success of your port operations, with total commitment to quality, safety and environmental responsibility.



Discover all our incredible services right now and immerse yourself in a unique experience as you get to know each one of them. Be amazed at what we can do for you.


Our highly qualified team is ready to assist you and offer a customized solution that meets your demands. Don't waste any more time, let us help you find the best solution to your problem. We look forward to hearing from you!

Matriz – Rio de Janeiro

Av. Rio Branco, 01 | 1307
Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CEP. 20090-003
+55 21 3418-1780

Base – Rio de Janeiro

R. Mons. Manoel Gomes, 310
Caju – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CEP. 29045-402
+55 21 3418-1780

Filial – Vitória

Av. N. Sra da Penha, 2796 | 807
Santa Luiza – Vitória – ES
CEP. 29045-402
+55 27 98127-2000

®2024 | Desenvolvido por [coletivo]